Senin, 05 Juli 2010
cara dapetin emblem ninja saga
bagi teman2 yg lg main NINJA SAGA
klw kalian mau dpt emblem n token secara gratis
caranya gampang banget
pertama2 kalian bikin dl rekening paypal
daftarnya d
n jgn lupa bahasanya d ubah
supaya kalian mudah membaca caranya
nah!!! d situ ad d suruh pilih :
- pribadi
- primer
- bisnis
utk kalian yg main NS
cukup pilih PRIBADI aj
lalu klik memulai
setelah itu isi formulirnya
catatan : utk kolom tanggal lahir
format isiannya BULAN/TANGGAL/TAHUN
dan tahunnya harus yg berumur 18 tahun ke atas
berarti isi aj TAHUN 1990
krn sering d situ banyak yg salah
dan bagi yg tdk ad kartu kredit
d situ ad tulisan
"Hubungkan kartu kredit saya, supaya saya dapat segera mulai
berbelanja (dianjurkan)"
yg d centang
kalian cukup menghilangkan centangnya
setelah formulirnya d isi
setelah itu
maka akan tampak gambar kartu kredit
kalian abaikan saja
kalian klik aj langsung tulisan MASUK KE REKENING SAYA
setelah nampak tabel n saldo paypal anda $0.00 USD
kalian klik LOG OUT
lalu kalian periksa kotak surat email kalian
utk mengkonfirmasikan paypal kalian
supaya nnt bs d LOG IN lagi
setelah msk ke inbox email kalian
d situ ad tulisan HUBUNGKAN KARTU ANDA
lalu klik
nnt ad d minta kode sandi
masukkan aj kode sandi yg kalian bikin td
wkt isi formulir
lalu klik KONFIRMASI
setelah itu
nnt kita d minta msk in dua buah pertanyaan keamanan
pilih aj pertanyaannya
n d jawab
caranya sama kok kayak kita bikin email
kalian pst nya ngerti kan?
setelah d pilih n d isi
lalu klik KIRIMKAN
setelah keluar tampilan baru
kalian langsung klik MASUK KE REKENING SAYA
berhasil dech registrasinya
sekarang masalah survey nya
kalian klik tautan berikut ini ;
n kalian isi formulirnya
setelah d isi formulirnya
lalu ikuti dech survey2 nya
dgn cara meng klik tulisan
sampai yg tulisan JANUARY BONUS
jd yg pertama kalian klik yg welcome survey $6.00 dl
lalu nnt akan keluar tampilan baru
lalu klik START SURVEY
lalu nnt ad tampilan baru
d situ kalian d mnt msk in website
jd masukin aj
ke dua2 nya
setelah itu tekan ENTER
nah nnt ad kluar tampilan yg bertulisan
Click Here to go Home and to see your New Balance
klik aj
berarti kalian berhasil melakukan survey nya
gampang kan
lalu lakukan lg seperti hal yg sama sprt yg d ats
berikut nya kalian klik $4.00
dan seterusnya
nnt kalian akan memperoleh $27.00
utk mendapatkan $75
kalian hrs refer friends
caranya klik REFER FRIENDS
lalu d situ nnt ad tulisan
Your Direct Referring Link is below
d bawahnya ad tautan sperti punya gw
nnt kalian blok lalu kalian copy
n paste kan d dinding2 grup atau dinding2 profil teman2 u
nnt klw ad yg meng klik tautan u
n ad yg mendaftar
nnt otomatis dollar u meningkat secara otomatis sebesar $1.25
jika dollar u udh mencapai $75
baru u bs redeem kan
caranya d bawah tabel jumlah dollar survey u
d situ ad tulisan REDEEM MONEY
d klik aj
lalu setelah muncul tampilan baru
d tulisan Redeem Amount ad pilihan
- $75
- $200
- $350
- $500
u pilih berapa jumlah dollar u skrg
lalu d tulisan Redeem Method ad pilihan uga
n u pilih yg PAYPAL
krn d ats td kan kita bikin PAYPAL
berarti uang nya nnt msk nya d REKENING PAYPAL kalian yg
kalian bikin tadi
setelah itu klik REDEEM NOW
nnt kita d minta msk in alamat email yg kita pakai buat PAYPAL
lalu masukin aj alamat email nya
lalu tekan ENTER
maka d situ kluar tulisan
supaya kita menunggu 5 hari
maka dollar2 tsb akan msk ke REKENING PAYPAL setelah 5 hari
setelah 5 hari kemudian
kalian cek saldo rekening kalian d PAYPAL
apakah bertambah
jika bertambah
maka langsung kalian buka NINJA SAGA
n langsung msk ke GET TO EMBLEM
d situ kita pilih
mau pake metode pembayaran apa
utk membeli emblemnya
tanpa ragu2
n penuh keyakinan
kalian pilih metode pembayaran PAYPAL
dan akhirnya kalian mendapatkan emblem
nah kan msh ad tu lbh dollarnya
krn harga emblem cm $19.00
jd lebihnya kalian beli aj TOKEN
Kamis, 01 Juli 2010
Consumer Research Methods
Primary vs. secondary research methods. There are two main approaches to marketing. Secondary research involves using information that others have already put together. For example, if you are thinking about starting a business making clothes for tall people, you don’t need to question people about how tall they are to find out how many tall people exist—that information has already been published by the U.S. Government. Primary research, in contrast, is research that you design and conduct yourself. For example, you may need to find out whether consumers would prefer that your soft drinks be sweater or tarter.
Research will often help us reduce risks associated with a new product, but it cannot take the risk away entirely. It is also important to ascertain whether the research has been complete. For example, Coca Cola did a great deal of research prior to releasing the New Coke, and consumers seemed to prefer the taste. However, consumers were not prepared to have this drink replace traditional Coke.
Secondary Methods. For more information about secondary market research tools and issues, please see .
Primary Methods. Several tools are available to the market researcher—e.g., mail questionnaires, phone surveys, observation, and focus groups. Please see for advantages and disadvantages of each.
Surveys are useful for getting a great deal of specific information. Surveys can contain open-ended questions (e.g., “In which city and state were you born? ____________”) or closed-ended, where the respondent is asked to select answers from a brief list (e.g., “__Male ___ Female.” Open ended questions have the advantage that the respondent is not limited to the options listed, and that the respondent is not being influenced by seeing a list of responses. However, open-ended questions are often skipped by respondents, and coding them can be quite a challenge. In general, for surveys to yield meaningful responses, sample sizes of over 100 are usually required because precision is essential. For example, if a market share of twenty percent would result in a loss while thirty percent would be profitable, a confidence interval of 20-35% is too wide to be useful.
Surveys come in several different forms. Mail surveys are relatively inexpensive, but response rates are typically quite low—typically from 5-20%. Phone-surveys get somewhat higher response rates, but not many questions can be asked because many answer options have to be repeated and few people are willing to stay on the phone for more than five minutes. Mall intercepts are a convenient way to reach consumers, but respondents may be reluctant to discuss anything sensitive face-to-face with an interviewer.
Surveys, as any kind of research, are vulnerable to bias. The wording of a question can influence the outcome a great deal. For example, more people answered no to the question “Should speeches against democracy be allowed?” than answered yes to “Should speeches against democracy be forbidden?” For face-to-face interviews, interviewer bias is a danger, too. Interviewer bias occurs when the interviewer influences the way the respondent answers. For example, unconsciously an interviewer that works for the firm manufacturing the product in question may smile a little when something good is being said about the product and frown a little when something negative is being said. The respondent may catch on and say something more positive than his or her real opinion. Finally, a response bias may occur—if only part of the sample responds to a survey, the respondents’ answers may not be representative of the population.
Focus groups are useful when the marketer wants to launch a new product or modify an existing one. A focus group usually involves having some 8-12 people come together in a room to discuss their consumption preferences and experiences. The group is usually led by a moderator, who will start out talking broadly about topics related broadly to the product without mentioning the product itself. For example, a focus group aimed at sugar-free cookies might first address consumers’ snacking preferences, only gradually moving toward the specific product of sugar-free cookies. By not mentioning the product up front, we avoid biasing the participants into thinking only in terms of the specific product brought out. Thus, instead of having consumers think primarily in terms of what might be good or bad about the product, we can ask them to discuss more broadly the ultimate benefits they really seek. For example, instead of having consumers merely discuss what they think about some sugar-free cookies that we are considering releasing to the market, we can have consumers speak about their motivations for using snacks and what general kinds of benefits they seek. Such a discussion might reveal a concern about healthfulness and a desire for wholesome foods. Probing on the meaning of wholesomeness, consumers might indicate a desire to avoid artificial ingredients. This would be an important concern in the marketing of sugar-free cookies, but might not have come up if consumers were asked to comment directly on the product where the use of artificial ingredients is, by virtue of the nature of the product, necessary.
Focus groups are well suited for some purposes, but poorly suited for others. In general, focus groups are very good for getting breadth—i.e., finding out what kinds of issues are important for consumers in a given product category. Here, it is helpful that focus groups are completely “open-ended:” The consumer mentions his or
Accenture Experiments with Rural Outsourcing
Accenture's Managing director Randall L. Willis is experimenting with a new model of ITES service delivery by the Native American Indians who live in American Hinterland at Umatilla Indian Reservation area of Oregon. (see
In my opinion, this is a bold experiment - to integrate American Indians into IT based economy and tap into a talent pool which promises to offer 10%-30% savings in wages (when compared to US urban areas). The innovative nature of this proposal - is something which other companies can learn from.
On October 6th, Accenture announced a 5 year agreement to manage Cayuse Technologies, an IT services business owned by Umatilla tribes. Cayuse Technologies will offer Call centre, document preparation and software development services to Accenture - which Accenture will resell to its customers.
Though it is advantageous to outsource to low cost economies, The value of offering services from a near-by location by a local population offers tremendous advantages if such service is price competitive.
Main Benefits
The idea of rural outsourcing is nothing new, for decades, people in rural areas were offered options to work from their homes. But what I liked about this initiative is the idea of how Accenture can get monetary benefits and at the same time help integrate rural Indian communities into the main stream economy - without physically relocating people.
Accenture is gaining brownie points with the American public - which is a major PR benefit. At the same time Accenture is getting a head start (w.r.t competitors - IBM, HP, EDS) into tapping this talent pool.
Accenture can tap into this talent pool to win lucrative US government contracts which mandates that the work be done in the US, and at reap the financial savings from the low cost. The cost of living in reservation areas are low, which keeps the wages low (when compared to US cities) Companies owned and operated within American Indian Reservation areas are exempt from US corporate taxes - thus lowering costs.
Accenture will use this experience to learn how to deliver low cost IT/ITES services from near by locations - so that it can offer viable alternatives when compared to Indian/Asian competitors.
Lessons to Indian IT companies
A recent (November 2nd 2006) article in Financial Times reported that Indian IT companies (TCS, Infosys, Wipro) are setting up development centres at locations near their customer locations - Also called "Near-Shore" locations. TCS is setting up centres in Mexico, Costa Rica, Caribbean Islands, Ireland, and Eastern Europe etc. The development centres in these countries is driven by the need to serve customer's better - have multi-language service delivery, and build a truly multi-cultural organization.
Indian firms are still in their infancy when it comes to building a multi-cultural organization. Only 2-3% of their total work force is non-Indians. As a result, Indian IT firms have a steep learning curve and a tough challenge when it comes to building a multi-cultural workforce.
Closing Thoughts
As the competition for talent increases, companies need to be innovative and find newer sources of human capital. Accenture has demonstrated one such innovative approach which is both also profitable. Accenture benefits through improved corporate image, a lower cost, increased ability to serve local US markets and created a learning opportunity in managing multi-cultural workforce.
I have campaigned for the need to create a multi-cultural workforce via my articles, and this experiment by Accenture shows that global IT giants are committed a truly multi-cultural and a global organization.