Selasa, 28 September 2010

Perhitungan Rouscoe

banyak metode penentuan sampel membuat kita menjadi banyak alternatif dalam memilih metode yang digunakan, salah satunya Rouscoe

Jumlah sampel ditentukan berdasarakan teori Rouscoe (1975) yang menyatakan bahwa dalam penelitian multivariate (termasuk analisis berganda) ukuran sample sebaiknya lebih disuka 10 kali atau lebih besar dari jumlah variable dalam studi. Maka dalam penelitian ini besarnya sample dari jumlah variable dikalikan 30 dan siapa saja responden ditentukan oleh peneliti mengingat pertimbangan waktu penelitian yang singkat dan biaya yang lebih murah. Sehingga sampel yang terpilih dapat memberikan informasi atau data sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian.

Perhitungan : n = Jumlah variable penelitian x 30
n = 4 x 30
n = 120 sampel

Rabu, 22 September 2010

Social Responsibility in Marketing

Most marketing organizations do not intentionally work in isolation from the rest of society. Instead they find that greater opportunity exists if the organization is visibly accessible and involved with the public. As we’ve seen, because marketing often operates as the “public face” of an organization, when issues arise between the public and the organization marketing is often at the center. In recent years the number and variety of issues raised by the public has increased. One reason for the increase is the growing perception that marketing organizations are not just sellers of product but also have an inherent responsibility to be more socially responsible, including being more responsible for its actions and more responsive in addressing social concerns.

Being socially responsible means an organization shows concern for the people and environment in which it transacts business. It also means that these values are communicated and enforced by everyone in the organization and, in some cases, with business partners, such as those who sell products to the company (e.g., supplier of raw material for product production) and those who help the company distribute and sell to other customers (e.g., retail stores).

In addition to insuring these values exist within the organization and its business partners, social responsibility may also manifest itself in the support of social causes that help society. For instance, marketers may sponsor charity events or produce cause-related advertising.

Marketers who are pursuing a socially responsible agenda should bear in mind that such efforts do not automatically translate into increased revenue or even an improved public image. However, organizations that consistently exhibit socially responsible tendencies may eventually gain a strong reputation that could pay dividends in the form of increased customer loyalty.