Senin, 07 Desember 2009


mencari hubungan antara dua variabel
yang dicari adalah :
hub antara

Brand dengan kepuasan
fasilitas dengan kepusan

Cara mencari korelasi :
1. masukkan data di variable view
2. transform - compute variabel
3. muncul kotak dialog untuk input
4. input data
5. input di target variabel untuk column
6. input formula di numeric expp
7. Ok

? variabel dikatakan berhubungan jika nilai cor < 0,05
? 0,00-0,20 Sangat lemah
0,21-0,40 Lemah
0,41-0,60 Sedang
0,61-0,80 Kuat
0,81-1,00 Sangat Kuat

? jika nilai korelasi positif ... maka berbanding lurus
jika nilai korelasi negatif ... maka berbanding terbalik

Cara membuat output
1. Buka transform - korelasi - brivarate
2. muncul kotak dialog
3. input datanya
4. pilih person "nilai nominal dan numeric"

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Marketing Mix / Bauran Pemasaran

Marketing mix adalah empat komponen dalam pemasaran yang terdiri dari 4P

  • Product (produk)
  • Price (harga)
  • Place (tempat, termasuk juga distribusi)
  • Promotion (promosi)

Karena pemasaran bukanlah ilmu pasti seperti keuangan (finance), teori Marketing mix juga terus berkembang. Dalam perkembangannya, dikenal juga istilah 7P dimana 3P yang selanjutnya adalah People (Orang), Physical Evidence (Bukti Fisik), Process (Proses). Penulis buku Seth Godin, misalnya, juga menawarkan teori P baru yaitu Purple Cow.[1]

Pemasaran lebih dipandang sebagai seni daripada ilmu, maka seorang ahli pemasaran tergantung lebih banyak pada ketrampilan pertimbangan dalam membuat kebijakan daripada berorientasi pada ilmu tertentu.

Pandangan ahli ekonomi terhadap pemasaran adalah dalam menciptakan waktu, tempat dimana produk diperlukan atau diinginkan lalu menyerahkan produk tersebut untuk memuaskan kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen (konsep pemasaran).
Metode pemasaran klasik seperti 4P di atas berlaku juga untuk pemasaran internet, meskipun di internet pemasaran dilakukan dengan banyak metode lain yang sangat sulit diimplementasikan diluar dunia internet

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

unconventional marketing means

this is the unconventional marketing

do you know unconventional ?
unconventional means konsep dalam menjalankan sesuatu yang bersifat lain daripada biasanya, dengan kata lain, memilki arti yangg konotatif tetapi tetap bermakna positif, walaupun terkadan saling menjatuhkan ataupun mengejek, merendahkan brand

so the unconventional marketing means

suatu konsep pemasaran yang menerapkan advertising secara berbeda dan beda dari biasanya, sehingga memilki positioning yang jelas di mata konsumen.

mungkin untuk konsep marketing secara unconventional adalah seperti yang saya paparkn diatas

Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Bagaimana Membangun Brand yang baik

Ada beberapa inovasi yang dapat di lakukan antara lain :

  • Pengembangan dan pembenahan distribusi

  • Manajemen pengembangan produk (Product development)

  • Manajemen sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki

  • Pengembangan produk dan pelayanan

  • Efisiensi dan efektivitas proses

  • Aplikasi teknologi

  • Akspansi pasar (termasuk edukasi pasar, model periklanan dll)

‘Kreativitas’ adalah kata kunci dan menjadi faktor penting dalam upaya menjadikan produk atau merek superior dimata konsumen. Dan yang perlu diingat, antara persepsi merek dan kinerja produk harus berjalan bersama, jangan sampai ada kesenjangan diantara keduanya.

Ciri-ciri merek superior yaitu:

  • Produk inovatif, artinya produk yang selalu up-date dan diperbaharui (completely renewed), supaya kekuatannya dipasar tetap terpelihara.

  • Proses yang inovatif, yaitu kondisi internal perusahaan yang diperbaiki terus menerus, sehingga tercipta produk berkualitas dengan efisiensi yang tinggi.

  • Pemasaran yang inovatif, misalnya kombinasi antara product line dan analisis peluang pasar, identifikasi potensi pasar dan pemecahan potensi pasar kedalam bagian-bagian yang lebih kecil, misalnya berdasarkan demografi, geografi, psikografi dll, dan tentu saja perbaikan terus-menerus cara dan metode pelayanan.

Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

New Wave Marketing Case Barack Obama

Ini adalah case pertama jafis tentang membangun imej personal seseorang yaitu Barack Obama. Presiden ke-44 AS ini telah berhasil memanfaatkan internet sebagai strategi marketing untuk memperoleh dukungan suara sehingga memenangkan Pemilihan Presiden di AS. wajar saja! jika beliau mendapatkan anugerah “Marketer of the Year” dari The Advertising Age dan American Marketing Association.

Berikut beberapa fakta yang mendukung strategi tersebut :

1. Website menurut data The wall Street Journal telah berhasil menarik 2 kali lipat jumlah pengunjung di banding John Mc. Cain. Karena selalu terupdate dengan kampanye yang Inspiratif, Inovatif dan reguler.

2. Menurut data organisasi non-propit Pew research Center di AS, 46 % masyarakatnya mengakses internet untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kampanye pemilihan presiden 2008. waw ! lahan suara yang sangat besar.

3. Di situsnya Obama giat melakukan direct marketing , event grassroots dan fun-raising (penggalangan dana). Jadi semua lapisan masyarakat bisa ikut team sukses (*bisa buat account sendiri), dan akan merasa bangga jika yang diperjuangkannya kelak berhasil, beda dengan indonesia yang team suksesnya lebih terkesan ekslusif.

4. Obama memanfaatkan e-mail sebagai sarana komunikasinya, sehingga banyak kaum grassroots merasa bangga bisa berkomunikasi langsung dengan calon sang presiden. Selama 21 tahun bulan masa kampanye lebih kurang 10 juta alamat email pendukung terdaftar melalui situs ini.

5. Untuk memperluas jaringannya situs ini juga terhubung secara intensif dengan social media seperti Twitter, Myspace, facebook, Youtube dan blogs. Di facebook dia telah mengumpulkan 3 juta pendukung. wahh! angka yang fantastis

Walaupun angka pengguna internet di Indonesia tidak sebesar AS, tapi ini merupakan sarana yang kuat untuk membangun basis loyal. Tokoh Politik Indonesia banyak yang gagal karena team suksesnya terlalu konservatif. Semoga di tahun depan saya bisa menulis new wave marketing case seorang tokoh yang menjadi presiden Indonesia atau setidaknya anggota DPR RI lah ..heeh heeheh. CMIIW.

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009

The strategy hierarchy

In most (large) corporations there are several levels of management. Strategic management is the highest of these levels in the sense that it is the broadest - applying to all parts of the firm - while also incorporating the longest time horizon. It gives direction to corporate values, corporate culture, corporate goals, and corporate missions. Under this broad corporate strategy there are typically business-level competitive strategies and functional unit strategies.

Corporate strategy refers to the overarching strategy of the diversified firm. Such a corporate strategy answers the questions of "in which businesses should we be in?" and "how does being in these business create synergy and/or add to the competitive advantage of the corporation as a whole?"

Business strategy refers to the aggregated strategies of single business firm or a strategic business unit (SBU) in a diversified corporation. According to Michael Porter, a firm must formulate a business strategy that incorporates either cost leadership, differentiation or focus in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage and long-term success in its chosen arenas or industries.

Functional strategies include marketing strategies, new product development strategies, human resource strategies, financial strategies, legal strategies, supply-chain strategies, and information technology management strategies. The emphasis is on short and medium term plans and is limited to the domain of each department’s functional responsibility. Each functional department attempts to do its part in meeting overall corporate objectives, and hence to some extent their strategies are derived from broader corporate strategies.

Many companies feel that a functional organizational structure is not an efficient way to organize activities so they have reengineered according to processes or SBUs. A strategic business unit is a semi-autonomous unit that is usually responsible for its own budgeting, new product decisions, hiring decisions, and price setting. An SBU is treated as an internal profit centre by corporate headquarters.

An additional level of strategy called operational strategy was encouraged by Peter Drucker in his theory of management by objectives (MBO). It is very narrow in focus and deals with day-to-day operational activities such as scheduling criteria. It must operate within a budget but is not at liberty to adjust or create that budget. Operational level strategies are informed by business level strategies which, in turn, are informed by corporate level strategies.

Since the turn of the millennium, some firms have reverted to a simpler strategic structure driven by advances in information technology. It is felt that knowledge management systems should be used to share information and create common goals. Strategic divisions are thought to hamper this process. This notion of strategy has been captured under the rubric of dynamic strategy, popularized by Carpenter and Sanders's textbook [1]. This work builds on that of Brown and Eisenhart as well as Christensen and portrays firm strategy, both business and corporate, as necessarily embracing ongoing strategic change, and the seamless integration of strategy formulation and implementation. Such change and implementation are usually built into the strategy through the staging and pacing facets.

Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

Strategic management

Strategic management

Strategic or institutional management is the conduct of drafting, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its long-term objectives[1]. It is the process of specifying the organization's mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and plans, often in terms of projects and programs, which are designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, projects and programs. A balanced scorecard is often used to evaluate the overall performance of the business and its progress towards objectives.

Strategic management is a level of managerial activity under setting goals and over Tactics. Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise and is closely related to the field of Organization Studies. In the field of business administration it is useful to talk about "strategic alignment" between the organization and its environment or "strategic consistency". According to Arieu (2007), "there is strategic consistency when the actions of an organization are consistent with the expectations of management, and these in turn are with the market and the context."

“Strategic management is an ongoing process that evaluates and controls the business and the industries in which the company is involved; assesses its competitors and sets goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors; and then reassesses each strategy annually or quarterly [i.e. regularly] to determine how it has been implemented and whether it has succeeded or needs replacement by a new strategy to meet changed circumstances, new technology, new competitors, a new economic environment., or a new social, financial, or political environment.”Strategic management is a combination of three main processes which are as follows

Strategy formulation

  • Performing a situation analysis, self-evaluation and competitor analysis: both internal and external; both micro-environmental and macro-environmental.
  • Concurrent with this assessment, objectives are set. These objectives should be parallel to a timeline; some are in the short-term and others on the long-term. This involves crafting vision statements (long term view of a possible future), mission statements (the role that the organization gives itself in society), overall corporate objectives (both financial and strategic), strategic business unit objectives (both financial and strategic), and tactical objectives.
  • These objectives should, in the light of the situation analysis, suggest a strategic plan. The plan provides the details of how to achieve these objectives.

This three-step strategy formulation process is sometimes referred to as determining where you are now, determining where you want to go, and then determining how to get there. These three questions are the essence of strategic planning. I/O Economics for the external factors and RBV for the internal factors.

Strategy implementation

  • Allocation and management of sufficient resources (financial, personnel, operational support, time, technology support)
  • Establishing a chain of command or some alternative structure (such as cross functional teams)
  • Assigning responsibility of specific tasks or processes to specific individuals or groups
  • It also involves managing the process. This includes monitoring results, comparing to benchmarks and best practices, evaluating the efficacy and efficiency of the process, controlling for variances, and making adjustments to the process as necessary.
  • When implementing specific programs, this involves acquiring the requisite resources, developing the process, training, process testing, documentation, and integration with (and/or conversion from) legacy processes.

Thus, when the strategy implementation processes, there have been many problems arising such as human relations and/or the employee-communication. At this stage, the greatest implementation problem usually involves marketing strategy, with emphasis on the appropriate timing of new products. An organization, with a effective management, should try to implement its plans without signaling the fact to its competitors.

In order for a policy to work, there must be a level of consistency from every person in an organization, including from the management. This is what needs to occur on the tactical level of management as well as strategic.

Rabu, 03 Juni 2009



The 'marketing mix' is a set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that work together to achieve company's objectives

Four Ps

Elements of the marketing mix are often referred to as 'the four Ps':

  • Product - A tangible object or an intangible service that is mass produced or manufactured on a large scale with a specific volume of units. Intangible products are often service based like the tourism industry & the hotel industry. Typical examples of a mass produced tangible object are the motor car and the disposable razor. A less obvious but ubiquitous mass produced service is a computer operating system.
  • Price – The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. It is determined by a number of factors including market share, competition, material costs, product identity and the customer's perceived value of the product. The business may increase or decrease the price of product if other stores have the same product.
  • Place – Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as the distribution channel. It can include any physical store as well as virtual stores on the Internet.
  • Promotion – Promotion represents all of the communications that a marketer may use in the marketplace. Promotion has four distinct elements - advertising, public relations, word of mouth and point of sale. A certain amount of crossover occurs when promotion uses the four principal elements together, which is common in film promotion. Advertising covers any communication that is paid for, from and cinema commercials, radio and Internet adverts through print media and billboards. One of the most notable means of promotion today is the Promotional Product, as in useful items distributed to targeted audiences with no obligation attached. This category has grown each year for the past decade while most other forms have suffered. It is the only form of advertising that targets all five senses and has the recipient thanking the giver. Public relations are where the communication is not directly paid for and includes press releases, sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade fairs and events. Word of mouth is any apparently informal communication about the product by ordinary individuals, satisfied customers or people specifically engaged to create word of mouth momentum. Sales staff often plays an important role in word of mouth and Public Relations (see Product above).

Broadly defined, optimizing the marketing mix is the primary responsibility of marketing. By offering the product with the right combination of the four Ps marketers can improve their results and marketing effectiveness. Making small changes in the marketing mix is typically considered to be a tactical change. Making large changes in any of the four Ps can be considered strategic. For example, a large change in the price, say from $19.00 to $39.00 would be considered a strategic change in the position of the product. However a change of $130 to $129.99 would be considered a tactical change, potentially related to a promotional offer.

The term 'marketing mix' however, does not imply that the 4P elements represent options. They are not trade-offs but are fundamental marketing issues that always need to be addressed. They are the fundamental actions that marketing requires whether determined explicitly or by default.

Extended marketing mix

There have been attempts to develop an 'extended marketing mix' to better accomodate specific aspects of marketing.

For example, in the 1970s, Nickels and Jolson suggested the inclusion of packaging.

In the 1980s Kotler proposed public opinion and political power and Booms and Bitner included three additional 'Ps' to accommodate trends towards a service or knowledge based economy:

  • People – all people who directly or indirectly influence the perceived value of the product or service, including knowledge workers, employees, management and consumers.
  • Process – procedures, mechanisms and flow of activities which lead to an exchange of value.
  • Physical evidence – the direct sensory experience of a product or service that allows a customer to measure whether he or she has received value. Examples might include the way a customer is treated by a staff member, or the length of time a customer has to wait, or a cover letter from an insurance company, or the environment in which a product or service is delivered.

Four Cs

The Four Ps is also being replaced by the Four Cs model, consisting of consumer, cost, convenience, and communication. The Four Cs model is more consumer-oriented and fits better in the movement from mass marketing to niche marketing. The product part of the Four Ps model is replaced by consumer or consumer models, shifting the focus to satisfying the consumer. Pricing is replaced by cost, reflecting the reality that price is set by the market, not necessarily by the firm (if the price is too high, the firm will not sell enough and be forced to lower the price). Thus, the firm must focus on cost considerations rather than on what the correct price is to set. Place is replaced by the convenience function. With the rise of internet and hybrid models of purchasing, place is no longer relevant. Convenience takes into account the ease to buy a product, find a product, find information about a product, and several other considerations. Finally, the promotions feature is replaced by communication. Communications represents a broader focus than simply promotions. Communications can include advertising, public relations, personal selling, viral advertising, and any form of communication between the firm and the consumer.

Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Untuk sebuah akhir

gw mau coba nerbitin karya gw berupa, novel autobiografi seorang teman gw,
siapa tahu nia rtikel menarik soalnya gw pingin dengr pendapat teman - teman tentang karyaa pembaca gw ni
mulai minggu depan ni novel terbit every thursday
semoga ni novel bermanfaat bagi par

Selasa, 19 Mei 2009


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Microsoft Corporation
Type Public (NASDAQ: MSFT)
Founded Albuquerque, New Mexico (April 4, 1975 (1975-04-04))[1]
Founder(s) Bill Gates
Paul Allen
Headquarters Redmond, Washington, United States
Area served Worldwide
Key people Bill Gates (Chairman)
Steve Ballmer (CEO)
Ray Ozzie (CSA)
Craig Mundie (CRSO)
Industry Computer software
Consumer electronics
Products Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Servers
Windows Developer Tools
Microsoft Expression
Business Software
Games[2] & Xbox 360[3]
Windows Live[4]
Windows Mobile
Revenue US$ 60.420 billion (2008)[6]
Operating income US$ 22.492 billion (2008)[6]
Net income US$ 17.681 billion (2008)[6]
Total assets US$ 72.793 billion (2008)[6]
Total equity US$ 36.286 billion (2008)[6]
Employees 89,809 in 105 countries (2008)[7]

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT, HKEX: 4338) is an United States-based multinational computer technology corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices.[8][7] Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA, its most profitable products are the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite of productivity software.

The company was founded to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800. Microsoft rose to dominate the home computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by the Windows line of operating systems. Its products have all achieved near-ubiquity in the desktop computer market. One commentator notes that Microsoft's original mission was "a computer on every desk and in every home, running Microsoft software."[9] Microsoft possesses footholds in other markets, with assets such as the MSNBC cable television network, the MSN Internet portal, and the Microsoft Encarta multimedia encyclopedia. The company also markets both computer hardware products such as the Microsoft mouse as well as home entertainment products such as the Xbox, Xbox 360, Zune and MSN TV.[8] The company's initial public stock offering (IPO) was in 1986; the ensuing rise of the company's stock price has made four billionaires and an estimated 12,000 millionaires from Microsoft employees.[10][11][12]

Throughout its history the company has been the target of criticism, including monopolistic business practices and anti-competitive strategies including refusal to deal and tying. The U.S. Justice Department and the European Commission, among others, have ruled against Microsoft for various antitrust violations.[13][14]

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009


Hacking developed alongside "Phone Phreaking", a term referred to exploration of the phone network without authorization, and there has often been overlap between both technology and participants.

Bruce Sterling traces the roots of the computer underground to the Yippies, a 1960s counterculture movement which published the Technological Assistance Program newsletter.

Artifacts and customs

The computer underground[1] is heavily dependent on technology. It has produced its own slang and various forms of unusual alphabet use, for example 1337speak. Writing programs and performing other activities to support these views is referred to as hacktivism. Some go as far as seeing illegal cracking ethically justified for this goal; the most common form is website defacement.[citation needed] The computer underground is frequently compared to the Wild West: a male-dominated Frontier to conquer.[3] It is common among hackers to use aliases for the purpose of concealing identity, rather than revealing their real names.

Hacker groups

The computer underground is supported by regular real-world gatherings called hacker conventions or "hacker cons". These have drawn more people every year including SummerCon (Summer), DEF CON, HoHoCon (Christmas), and H.O.P.E..[citation needed] They have helped expand the definition and solidify the importance of the computer underground.[citation needed

Sabtu, 11 April 2009

oke this is the new bussines
busyet i get Rp. 300 rb in this week
how about you, this is interest ??
we can get any money, if do the bussines's sistem
because this bussines is the second income (pasif income)
i hope this bussines can build my aset for my income
for me and my parent go to paradise land
alhamdulillah this is halal
you must try this bussines
i trust you can succes

succes is policy everyone
you can succes
live financial free

inf contact
key 085669233251/081273580077

Jumat, 27 Februari 2009



hai nama saya ipin, eh BUKAN... !!
miftah, miftah el fikri

bisa di panggil dengan sebutan2 SBB :

si pemberani dari kegelapan

(cocok.. lah)
EL (terlalu simple )
FIKRI (nama buAPakk q)
(ni kalu diGABUNGIn)
BRAD PITT (KalO lagi mAIN film HanTU)
asal jangan tukul
sebagai pendahuluan :
Untuk mengenang jasa para pahlawan yang telah gugur di medan perang dengan hati yang tabah dan lapang dada(hening cipta mulai, jangan ke tawa, diam lu pada), dan keinginan yang teguh dalam mengeblog di dunia perblogan, selama ini sy jarang msuk ke dunia blog melainkan ke dunia lain (eh salah) maksud saya dunia Perfriendsteran. jadi dengan posting saya pertama ini saya buka blog ini secara resmi (dengan menggunting pita yang terbuat dari tambang kapal)

dengan melafadzkan "basmallah ", maka blog ini saya buka secara formal
BISMILLAHIRAHMANNIRRAHIM (GAK ke GUnting Pita Kapalnya, tapi da resmi kok ...)

wassalam salam tidur -tiduran dariku